

Quadropolis is an abstracted city-building game with rules not entirely based on tile placement. Of course, players score points based on where they place each tile in their cities, but …



Funfair does an excellent job of introducing resource management and the “return on investment” concept. Players must manage their finances wisely while working toward goals. With the addition of risk …



Karuba is a tile-laying game in which every player gets the same tiles throughout the game. Player choice is the only difference between final scores. The tricky puzzle of Karuba …



The chunky plastic components in the game Reef elevate this game to the next level. But don’t let the beautiful pieces distract you. Behind the polish is a game with …



You can’t always get what you want. However, Honga does an excellent job of forcing your kids to balance what they want to do with what they may need to …

My Little Scythe

My Little Scythe

My Little Scythe does a fantastic job teaching advanced game mechanisms to young gamers. The production quality is impeccable, and the artwork draws gamers to the table. With an open-ended …

Wreck Raiders

Wreck Raiders

Wreck Raiders uses vibrant and cute artwork to introduce players to dice drafting and worker placement games. And like all KTBG games, Wreck Raiders works equally well for adults and …

Power Failure

Power Failure

Power Failure is a unique game that combines card-building combos with dexterity, but it works flawlessly. As players build and run power plants, they risk sending too much carbon into …



Wingspan is an engine-building game set in the world of ornithology. The game has some complexities, but the approachable theme alleviates any teaching hurdles. The artwork is gorgeous, and the …



From designer Wolfgang Kramer and adapted by Restoration Games, Downforce is a card-based racing game in which players bid for ownership of the cars in each race. However, it’s still …

Adventure Land

Adventure Land

Adventure Land, released by HABA, isn’t the most well-known game from designers Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling. However, simple gameplay with three unique modules makes Adventure Land an excellent family …

Trekking the World

Trekking the World

Trekking the World seems like it’s been around forever, but this 2020 release offers simple gameplay with robust choices. Turns are straightforward, but managing your options is what drives this …

Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Every once in a while, a game comes along that impresses you right from the start. Summer Camp is one of those games. Summer Camp introduces Deck-Building in a fun …

Silver & Gold

Silver & Gold

Silver & Gold is from one of our favorite game designers, Phil Walker-Harding. This small card game is full of depth and engaging gameplay. Gamers must use markers to cross …