How Does Gameschooling Work?

How Does Gameschooling Work?

In a world where families and educators have a variety of educational options and countless online materials to teach kids; gameschooling provides offline opportunities for students to develop skills. Gameschooling is playing modern tabletop board games and engaging in an activity to build, develop, or increase skills. We unpack and define those skills on the Game Schooler podcast.

An example of an activity is hosting a discussion after the game has concluded. If you struggle with facilitating a discussion, contact Doug or me and we’ll send you one of our Discussion Guides. We break down the discussion and present them in three discernible parts: 

  1. Reflection, 
  2. Strategy, and 
  3. Game Design

If you are a veteran teacher, or if you are comfortable facilitating a conversation; create your own category and question set to use with gamers following gameplay. 

In essence, gameschooling involves students or gamers playing board games and then completing activities demonstrating they’ve learned skills.  

References and Links:

  1. Game Schooler Recommended Games –
  2. The Game Schooler Podcast – iTunes link:
  3. Gamer Schooler Discussion Guides –

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