In Savannah Park, you each run your own wildlife park, and your goal is to group animals with their own kind — but everyone takes turns deciding what to move, so you might not be able to shuffle animals into the right spaces.
Each player starts the game with the same set of 33 unique animal tiles, with those tiles laid out at random in your personal wildlife park.
On a turn, you name a specific face-up tile that all players must pick up, flip face down, then move to a different empty space within their own park. Tiles that have been flipped cannot move again, and once all tiles have moved, the game ends with a scoring round.
Develops healthy competitive habits as two or more parties compete for a goal that cannot be shared. -
Risk Management
Players must identify, evaluate, and prioritize options to reduce the impact of unfortunate events or risks. -
Spatial Perception
Strengthens a player’s understanding of the spatial relationships with the objects in their environment as well as themselves. -
Tactical Thinking
Challenges players to make decisions based on currently available information.